I-Drop MGD

(45 customer reviews)


I-DROP® MGD is a premium, preservative-free, artificial tear that helps relieve symptoms associated with evaporative dry eye. It is the most advanced eye drop for hydrating and lubricating the cornea.

The formulation contains 0.20% viscoadaptive hyaluronan, as well as superior osmoprotectants and bioprotectants that stabilize and enhance the lipid layer while reducing evaporation of the tear film.

This unique formulation offers the patient unparalleled ocular hydration and comfort. It is a long-lasting artificial tear that re-coats the surface of the eye with every blink, resulting in a lower therapy cost to the patient with fewer daily applications.

Severe Symptoms

Format size: 10 mL bottle

Contact Lense Compatible: No

LIMITED TIME OFFER: BUY ONE, GET ONE 20% OFF - Hurry, this sale ends April 22!

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I Drop MGD
I-Drop MGD


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